Friday, June 8, 2007

What I need to rewatch before '08

Aside from this latest set, I haven't been doing these Nihon Musings articles as often as I'd hoped, but to those of you who take the time to read them when I do get the chance to jot down some thoughts, thanks.
With 2007 nearly half over, I've gotten some great viewing in already. (It's amazing how not having homework anymore frees up one's schedule to get more viewing time done) But with the year moving as fast as it has, I've only really had a chance to focus on new additions to the ever growing list of titles I've watched. That being the case, I've decided to make a list of titles that I feel I should set aside some time to review for myself. It's a decent if I do say so myself. I might not get through everything, but I'd like to think I'll get at least 2/3 of the list taken care of before the date rolls over into '08. Let's see what the list looks so far, I would not be surprised if there's more additions made before the year is done.

Neon Genesis Evangelion (including movies)
In 2006 a committed an act of negligence that could only be classified as a sin by in action. Since discovering it in the fall of 1999, I've watched that which I've considered my favorite anime series a minimum of once a year. In 2006, primarily due to just buckling down and getting to work with the remainder of my time at college and readying for the move into real person status, I never got around to watch Eva. While Gainax's latest mecha creation, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, has potential to take Eva's title away (a comment I do not make lightly), Eva has been a favorite for so long and after finishing it, I always feel a sense of refreshment, an affirmation if you will, that it's because of stuff like Eva that I enjoy anime so much.

X (TV series)
Thanks to recent lucky finds the goal of having all of the X DVDs from the first R1 release with their limited edition slip cases is within reach. I think I owe it to myself to affirm that the hunt was worthwhile by watching everything. It's also been a few years since I finished my first time through the series, and I know I'm more than a little rusty on the names, relationships and events.

Fushigi Yuugi
FY was my introduction into the Watase Yuu's amazing stories, it's been over four years since I watched this series, and after remembering how much Watase is able to wow me, I think FY would be good for a reviewing. This past fall I managed to get the entire series thanks to the massive Geneon titles sale by The Right Stuf, but the DVDs still sit in my rack, unwatched. I purchase anime to watch it, not let it simply look pretty on a shelf.

Gundam Wing, Gundam SEED, or Turn A Gundam.
I've recently given Zeta Gundam a great deal of attention, but all three of these titles are good for different reasons, I could stand for a refresher on any one of them. Right now I'm leaning most heavily towards Wing, especially since I see the trailers for it on another set of DVDs on a series on this list…

The Vision of Escaflowne (TV series and movie)
Mecha and shoujo seldom mixed so well. It's another title that I finally filled the missing gaps in my collection of, and once again, I'm a bit rusty. I'm also trying to track down all of Aura Battler Dunbine, which is an older mix of mecha and fantasy. If I can manage it, seeing both close together would create some interesting means for comparison. Escaflowne is the series that has kicked off my work on this list. Already I'm remembering just how quickly the story gets intense.

Six episodes of pure awesome. In that short time frame an amazing amount of stuff is packed in. I never regret sitting down and going through this series in an afternoon or evening.

Saikano (Anime and/or Manga)
For even fuller details, see my entry on this title, suffice to say both times I went through this title, (once in anime, once in manga) it just grabbed me. It's a such a potent story and should not just be set aside and forgotten.

Mai - HiME
I've been considering writing a musings piece on this series since I first decided to start writing down the musings. I know I've forgotten a lot, so I want a refresher before I sit down to discuss things. The story is rather solid too. With the final Region 1 volume recently released, I have little excuse to not go forth and remember just how crazy the plot gets. Nothing I like more than a story that really knows how to break its characters.

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